Damian Esteban Berezovsky

Damian Berezovsky, MD

Neuro Ophthalmology
Languages: English, Spanish
72 Ratings, 13 Reviews
HonorHealth Medical Group


  • Neuro Ophthalmology


  • Board Certifications

    American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology


Dr. Damian Berezovsky is a neuro-ophthalmology specialist focusing on vision conditions related to the optic nerve, brain, and nervous system.

Clinical Interests

  • neuro-ophthalmology
  • vision conditions related to the optic nerve
  • Brain
  • Nervous System

Ratings & Reviews

4.1 out of 5
Patient Rating - 72 Ratings
Provider discussed treatment options
Provider showed concern
Provider explained things clearly
Provider included you in decisions
Likelihood of recommending this provider
13 Reviews

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Star ratings are displayed only for those physicians who participate in HonorHealth’s patient experience survey program through Press Ganey and have received a minimum of 30 surveys responses.

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