Honoring Super Dads

HonorHealth Cancer Care - Tina's Treasures.

Feels like you save the world every day, right?

Nailed that project at work. Pitched in with your daughter’s softball team. Volunteered at your son’s band fundraiser. Helped your significant other plant that herb garden. Jumped in to organize the neighborhood block watch.

If you have ever felt like you are constantly working and moving only to get to the next thing, you are not alone. Dads are great at taking on all sorts of projects and crossing off items on the 'ta done' list. And when it comes to honoring dads, there is what comes after the big hug for fixing the chain on your daughter's bike.

What are you doing to take care of yourself?

Your family depends on you. Being stubborn or neglectful of your health isn’t a ‘guy thing’ but stereotypes are earned before they are created. And when you’re not busy playing the hero to your family, there are some easy ways to be well… and be there for life’s future events.

Eat smart. You're a busy guy, but that doesn't mean you need to sacrifice nutrition when grabbing lunch on the go. There are plenty of healthy options to choose from, even at fast food restaurants. And you don't need to abstain when it's pizza night, just avoid binging and over-indulgence.

Play often. A body in motion tends to stay in motion. Grab your earbuds, crank up your best playlist and go for a run, walk, hike or bike ride. Exercise lowers your stress level, reduces risk of heart disease and promotes better sleep. Aim for 30 minutes for at least five days a week.

Daily events. If you don't already have simple daily “enjoyment” rituals – create some. Linger a little over your cup of coffee, play with your dog after work, take up a new hobby or take a walk around the block after dinner. Each day is different, but a gift nonetheless. Enjoy these events to the fullest.

Guilty pleasures. It's easy to overlook the little things, but it's all those little things that make life worth living. Brewing up some iced tea or enjoying a homemade brownie is a treat. Sharing how to make these treats with your children is even better!

Rest often. Sometimes the best weekend is the one without a plan. A good book and a brief nap in the shade – 20 or 30 minutes – can have a big impact. Think lower blood pressure, improved alertness, memory boost and enhanced creativity.

Hang time. Rally buddies for some Saturday morning golf or hoops. Invite neighbors over for an easy pizza dinner. Meet up with your brother to watch the big game. Call an old college roommate. Positive relationships offer more than fun – studies show they bring long-term physical and emotional health benefit.

Check up. Schedule your annual physical. You wouldn’t let your kids skip important medical appointments, would you Super Dad? Need a primary care physician? Click here or call 623-580-5800.

June is the month for honoring Super Dads like you! Be there for your family... and be well.