What is a sleeve-in-sleeve revision?

Sleeve-in-sleeve revision is a minimally invasive procedure for individuals who experience weight regain or inadequate weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery. Over time, your stomach may begin to stretch back to its original size due to overeating, causing you to see significant weight gain.

A sleeve-in-sleeve revision creates a new, smaller sleeve within the original gastric sleeve to reduce the size of your stomach and its overall capacity. With less volume in your stomach, you will feel full after eating less food, absorb fewer calories, and lose weight.

If you choose to undergo a sleeve-in-sleeve revision, you can expect to lose around 7-17% of your total body weight in one year. As with any weight loss program, this number is influenced by the amount of weight regained and your commitment to adhering to a healthy lifestyle.

What happens during a sleeve-in-sleeve revision?

Sleeve-in-sleeve revision is an outpatient procedure that lasts about 60-90 minutes.

While you’re under general anesthesia, a specially trained doctor passes an endoscope - a flexible tube equipped with a small lighted camera and stitching instrument - into your mouth and down into your gastric sleeve. The doctor will sew your stomach into a smaller sleeve shape without making incisions on your skin.

Many patients go home the same day after the procedure. Your care team will provide post-recovery instructions and the post-procedure diet plan.

Who is a candidate for a sleeve-in-sleeve revision?

Sleeve-in-sleeve revision may be an option for adults who:

  • Have struggled with weight regain or unsatisfactory weight loss after a gastric sleeve surgery.
  • Are overweight with a body mass index of 27 up to 50. Calculate my BMI.
  • Have not been successful in losing weight through diet and exercise alone.
  • Are looking for an alternative or don’t qualify for bariatric surgery. 

This procedure may not be suitable if you have significant medical conditions or health problems. Talk to your primary care doctor if you are considering a sleeve-in-sleeve revision.

How do I prepare for my procedure?

Sleeve-in-sleeve revision is not for everyone who is overweight. Before scheduling the procedure, your provider will perform an evaluation and thoroughly review your medical history. The care team will discuss your weight loss goals, insurance and payment options.

If sleeve-in-sleeve revision is the right option for you, your next step will be to enroll in a medically supervised weight loss program at the HonorHealth Bariatric Center as part of our collaborative approach to care.

Before your scheduled procedure, you will meet with the Endobariatric team to discuss pre- and post-procedure care.

What does recovery look like?

Most people go home the same day after recovering from sedation. You should plan for an adult to drive you home after the procedure.

Detailed instructions on what you should and shouldn’t eat while you recover from your procedure is provided by your doctor and your clinical team. Diet modifications during the first few weeks are appropriate for you to get used to your new anatomy.

Are there risks involved?

There is a low risk of serious complications. You may experience minor side effects after your procedure, such as nausea or discomfort, lasting only a few days. Your doctor and care team can prescribe medications to adequately treat your symptoms while you recover.

We’re here to support you on your journey

Like all weight loss procedures, the best results are achieved with your commitment to living a healthier lifestyle. At HonorHealth, you have access to a specially trained Endobariatric team and weight loss experts from the HonorHealth Bariatric Center, including behavioral health therapists, registered dietitians and exercise specialists. Together, we will get you back to a healthier you.

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